Please contact me via email:, if you would like to book an appt.
10 South St.
Suite 205(Ridgefield Chiropractic and Wellness)
Ridgefield, CT 06877
"When you own your own breath, nobody can steal your peace"
"Medical massage is performed with the intent of improving conditions or pathologies that have been diagnosed by a physician; a wide variety of modalities or procedures are utilized to focus the treatment based on the diagnosed condition."
"Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin; practitioners believe this mobilizes blood flow in order to promote healing."
"Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a popular treatment for myofascial restriction. IASTM uses specially designed instruments to provide a mobilizing effect to scar tissue and myofascial adhesions."
"Massage therapy is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person's health and well-being."
"Infant massage is a promotion of bonding, promoting secure attachment, verbal/non-verbal communication, one-to-one quality time, pre-language communication skills, undivided attention, feeling respected, using all of the senses, love, tolerance, nurturing touch, early contact with both parents empathy."
**Don't forget to like my Facebook Page Lucy Peralta-Hayes, MMP,LMT,LLC.